20 December 2010

Greek Biriki, Cyma restaurants

Sorry, the froth was all gone by the time I remembered to take a photo

I was warned it would be stronger than the usual, and they made it sound like a disclaimer. And it looked very strong, but it was very good.

Cyma's Greek Espresso is an ideal end to what has only been wonderful, satisfying, glorious, and delightful food, so far. We love dining at this restaurant, save for the long queues and the occasionally startling, "Opa!" exclamations by the wait staff.

The Greek Briki is served in a demitasse (see photo , I positioned the cup next to my husband's hand to illustrate the size), and they discourage taking it with creamer or milk. Take their word for it -- a "shot" is all you need and the coffee is good and flavorful as is.

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